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VSF17 Double-Bill: Talking Hands (Glasgow Asian Deaf Club) & Found in Translation

Thu 6 July 2017

VSF17 Double Bill: Talking Hands and Found In Translation

Talking Hands
What is it like to be Deaf? What is it like to be Deaf in a war-torn country? What is it like to be Deaf when nobody else in your family is? Members of the Glasgow Asian Deaf Club and friends invite you into their visual world to experience their stories and share with you their worlds.

Artist: Katrina Fisher
Interpreter: Karen Forbes
Storyteller: Joanne Marr

Found in Translation
An entertaining and enlightening performance that was enthusiastically received at Beyond the Border International Storytelling Festival in 2016. Storyteller Carl Gough teams up with BSL Interpreter Anthony Evans to offer an evocative new dimension in storytelling that blurs the traditional boundaries of BSL Interpreter and Storyteller.

Our intention was to unify an audience into the same experience, irrespective of whether they are deaf or hearing, starting with stereotypical performance roles of Teller and Signer, the relationship between them begins to merge until spoken word and sign have become integral to each other.

Storyteller: Carl Gough
BSL Interpreter: Anthony Evans

A BSL trailer for this event can be found here.




7.30pm, £12 (£10), Theatre
Book via Eventbrite / 0141 352 4900