Third Eye Bar opening hours: Tue-Thu: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon - midnight

Urban, Natural, Human - exploring Japan on screen

Memento Stella + short

Sat 11 December 2021

Tickets no longer available

English subtitling

Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

Abstract image of water droplets.

Memento Stella

Urban, Natural, Human is a touring programme curated by Day for Night, exploring Japanese architecture, design and landscape.

With its core themes of the built and natural environments in contemporary Japan, the programme reflects on regeneration, recovery and creativity, framed through historical, current and future contexts. The project also takes on a fresh relevance in light of the pandemic, as we adapt and rethink our relationship to space, collective gathering and the built environment around us, pointing to broader discourses concerning our place as humans in an ever-changing world.


dir. Makino Takashi, Japan/Hong Kong 2018, 60 mins, experimental

Japanese artist-filmmaker Makino Takashi takes us into his universe in this immersive abstraction in which he composites over 200 layers of digital footage to create an elegiac contemplation of life adrift in the universe. Accompanied by an equally sophisticated soundtrack, this layering of images allows for an interpretation unique to every viewer, while the title coined by Takashi serves as a reminder to "remember the stars" and "never forget that we too reside among the stars".

Please note: this film contains certain effects that may appear as flashing images.

Short: Our Cinemas

dir. Kaori Oda, 18 mins

Memories of a small film theatre are captured on 8mm film.

Screening as part of Japan 2020: Over 100 years of Japanese Cinema, a UK-wide film season supported by National Lottery and BFI Film Audience Network. /

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Event Type





8:15pm — 9:40pm




Tickets: £6 / £4

Booking fee: 10 percent booking fee


English subtitling

Wheelchair accessible

Tickets no longer available