Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Khaled Hourani, CCA: Glasgow, 4 April — 18 May 2014. Photo by Alan Dimmick.

Call for an Immediate Ceasefire

CCA stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to freedom, land, life, dignity and empathy and calls for an immediate ceasefire.

As an arts venue with an open-source, citizen-led programme, we host many events, workshops and exhibitions with liberation, decolonisation and resistance at their core.

We choose to make this statement public because we acknowledge that to uphold our responsibilities and duties in offering our resources and spaces, it is crucial that our audiences, collaborators, and supporters are aware of and recognise this stance. We also value the concern and urgency conveyed to us in the past months by our programme partners.

This statement serves to strengthen the work we have done, and will continue to do, supporting artists, collectives, and initiatives led by Palestinian artists and workers. CCA’s strength lies in its role as a communal environment, engaging audiences to pursue knowledge, understanding, and positive social transformation. This statement leverages our digital presence to sustain these core values during our holiday closure.

We encourage our colleagues and supporters in the arts community and beyond to join us in urgently advocating for an immediate ceasefire.