Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Jamie Crewe, Ashley, 2020. Courtesy of the artist.

Welcome to the tenth episode of our podcast series.

Our February edition includes Ainslie Roddick, former CCA curator, talking about our forthcoming Shuvinai Ashoona exhibition, artists working as a co-operative and visiting the north of Canada; Kitty Anderson from LUX Scotland looks ahead to an exciting year beginning with the Margaret Tait Award this month, screenings at GFT and a trip to Inverness; Samar Ziadat from Dardishi speaks about her upcoming festival of Arab and North African womxn’s contemporary art and culture, zines and having a DIY ethos; Karen Anderson from Indepen-dance talks about the history of the company, Monday workshops in CCA and the International Inclusive Dance Festival, and Allison Gardner from Glasgow Film Festival discusses their 2020 programme, finding your tribe and the impact of small changes.


Kitty Anderson, Director of LUX Scotland: 41s
Allison Gardner, Co-Director, Glasgow Film Festival: 10m 05s
Ainslie Roddick, Curator of Shuvinai Ashoona's Holding on to Universes and Artistic Director of ATLAS, Skye: 23m 41s
Karen Anderson, Director of Indepen-dance: 35m 01s
Samar Ziadat, Director of Dardishi Festival: 45m 45s

Where to listen

You can listen to our podcast on this page, via Soundcloud, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple iTunes and Google Podcasts.

About the podcast

Across this series, Gareth K Vile chats to some of the amazing people who make, produce and contribute to our programme: from artists, curators and programmers, to community organisers and social clubs. We'll take a closer look at exhibitions, gigs, performances and events - exploring the ideas and ethos that underpin our approach to programming and how you can get involved.

Thank you to everyone who took part and to Unclassed Media & Sunny Govan Community Radio - listen live here.