Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Anna Danielewicz and Tomas Palmer

For this episode, Chris Macinnes got together with Anna and Tomas to chat about their performance, Auto Cue. The performance investigated and reconfigured media tropes through the format of the shipping forecast.

Of course they talked about the weather! (they recorded this just after the big snow in Glasgow) As well as cruise ships, Brexit and Tony Blair v2.0. Within the discussion A+T guide Chris through the normalisation of crisis, the shifting Overton window and political futility. And in the process provide some small glimmers of hope beyond the storm. <3

Audio featured:
BBC Weather coverage of The Beast from the East storm
Trailer for 2015 re-release of Grey Gardens
BBC Radio 4 shipping forcast, 14th Nov 2017
Score for Auto Cue by Haider Al Shybani

About Studio Lunches

Studio Lunches is an autonomous podcast project, supported by CCA. Its goal is to open up artists’ practices within Glasgow through conversation, exploring the diverse, obscure and intriguing interests that reside at the heart of this. The artists may be Glasgow-based or have exhibited within Glasgow at some point, influencing or being influenced by the community they find themselves in.

Studio Lunches is not intended to offer a singular vision on creative activity within the city, instead its aim is to celebrate the wide (and occasionally conflicting) variety of creative practices that continually re-shape, progress and challenge the artistic community here.