Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Third Eye

As we prepare to unveil our new Terrace Bar, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the journey that led us here, and share why this new venture means so much to us.

If you've visited CCA over the past year, you’ve likely noticed the absence of a permanent bar or cafe-restaurant. Last summer, we started to improvise with pop-up solutions, turning the Courtyard into a laid-back civic space, and collaborating with brilliant external caterers for our events and festivals. Despite these temporary measures, we remained keenly aware of the void left by the absence of a long-term bar and cafe.

Determined to find the right fit, we initiated a tender process seeking partners who shared our values of accessibility, community engagement, sustainability, and inclusion. After a successful tender, we welcomed a new Bar Operator. However, we soon realised that extensive renovations were necessary to fulfil our shared plans. As unavoidable delays slowed progression and time passed, we realised that our visions weren't completely aligned, prompting an amicable separation.

Left with a blank canvas, the idea of opening our own bar emerged, and we are so excited and proud to present our reinterpretation: Third Eye. It's been a collaborative effort involving almost every member of our talented team, and we're so proud of what we've created together — a space that blends our heritage (paying homage to our roots as the Third Eye Centre) with a modern twist.

Crucially, running the bar ourselves means that we remain a not-for-profit organisation. The earnings from the bar will directly support the development of our creative programme and the upkeep of our building. This underscores our belief in community support and sustainable growth, and we want to contribute positively to the cultural landscape and regeneration of the area.

We have also taken control of ethical procurement, proudly partnering with local businesses like Tatenda Wines, Thomson Coffee, Green City Wholefoods, and Tennent Caledonian Breweries (yes, we’ll have Tennents on tap!). Our decor celebrates local craftsmanship, thanks to Gelatin Print and Lacuna Frames, who have brought artefacts from our archive to vibrant new life.

The new bar will also feature a site-specific work by local legend Fraser Taylor, who is currently transforming the back room of the bar into an immersive installation, a large-scale painting that truly embraces the space and forges it a new identity.

We still have a lot of work to do, especially in further reimagining the courtyard. However, audiences can look out for the opening of Third Eye bar in May, just in time (hopefully!) for sunshine on the terrace.

We’ll see you there x