Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Roger Palmer

Book Launch: Roger Palmer in conversation with David Bellingham

Thu 31 March 2022

A silver gelatine photograph taken in South Africa, depicting a white house with Table Mountain in the backdrop.

Roger Palmer, A Stones Throw, 2019/2020 Roger Palmer

Join Roger Palmer and David Bellingham in conversation at the launch of Roger Palmer's artist's book A Stone's Throw.

Please note

This event was originally scheduled for 18 March, it will now go ahead on 31 March.

A Stone’s Throw comprises 65 silver gelatine photographs made on Robben Island, South Africa. In addition to the island’s proximity to Cape Town, the title refers to a history of political prisoners forced to quarry and crush stone and to the so-called ‘klipgooiers’ (‘stone throwers’), dissidents who were imprisoned on the island in 1976.

All images were made while facing south so that aspects of the island are framed against the constant backdrop of Table Mountain a few kilometres across Table Bay. They are arranged in groups of eight, each suggesting a notional day that begins with an exposure made soon after sunrise and progresses to one made shortly before dusk.

A Stone’s Throw was designed by Richy Lamb (Glasgow); it includes essays by Lionel Davis, artist, former political prisoner and Robben Island tour guide, and Cape Town-based art writer, Sean O’Toole.

Roger Palmer is an artist based in Glasgow. He has made several projects in South Africa, the first of which, Precious Metals, toured to the Third Eye Centre, Glasgow in 1987. Palmer’s work has been widely exhibited. He has published numerous artist’s books, the most recent being SPOOR (GOST, London, 2019).

David Bellingham is an artist and publisher based in Copenhagen and Glasgow.

Roger Palmer A Stone’s Throw

(Fotohof edition, Salzburg, Austria, 2022)

Soft-bound, 160pp, price £30 (launch price £25). A special edition of 40 books each include a signed print, hand-made by the artist, price £200.




Event Type


Talks & Events




7:00pm — 9:00pm


All ages


Free and unticketed