Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

CANCELLED Camille Brêteau | Summer Smell

Thu 4 July 2019


We regret that this event has been cancelled.

Surreal costumes, sound composition and a humorous narrative: you will be at the heart of the action. Camille Brêteau invites you to complete a simple task, exaggerated through musical, theatrical and comic processes.

Camille Brêteau works in a plurality of media: from video, dance and performance to theatre, drawing and sound. Her practice exploits the critical potential of superficiality, entertainment, diversion and the grotesque. The 'show' becomes a tool for her and her audience to explore new perceptions.


Camille Brêteau was selected as the 2019 recipient of a three month residency exchange between Glasgow Sculpture Studios and Triangle France. Summer Smell has been developed over the course of Brêteau’s time in Glasgow and was made possible thanks to support from the Direction des Relations Internationales et Européennes - Ville de Marseille, the Lord Provost’s & International Office - Glasgow City Council, Triangle France, Glasgow Sculpture Studios and CCA.




6pm-7pm, Free (unticketed), CCA Theatre
All ages