Havana Glasgow Film Festival
Cantadoras - Musical Memories of Life and Death in Colombia
Fri 17 November 2023
Tickets no longer available

SDH captioning
English subtitling

BSL interpretation

Wheelchair accessible

María Fernanda Carrillo Sánchez I Mexico 2017 I 1h10m Spanish with English subtitles I Doc l N/C 12+
Weaving songs, interviews, and archive footage, Cantadoras is a musical journey through ancestral resistance to violence, from working in white-owned mines, civil war in which violence rests heavily on rural communities, and contemporary challenges. Cuba’s
instrumental role in the peace process in Colombia gives this film a special significance.
In partnership with FICCA Kunta Kinte (Afro Colombian Film festival)
+ Q&A Hugo Rivalta (Cuba) and David Sierra (Colombia)