Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Capoeira Classes

Thu 18 July 2024

Tickets no longer available
Two silhouettes of people doing capoeira stand on a green plane in front of a yellow sunset.

Capoeira at the CCA

Capoeira is music, dance, a game, spirituality, brotherhood, a fight, and a way of life.

Beginners Classes: 6:30 - 7:30


Intermediate Classes: 8:00 - 9:00

Capoeira is a form of cultural expression with its conception in Africa and birth in Brazil, from a mixture of cultural influences having as its basis Black African culture.

It’s a form of resistance developed by enslaved people to oppose physical oppression and cultural repression.

When done with a friend capoeira is a dance with an opponent it becomes a form of self-defence.

Capoeira is music, dance, a game, spirituality, brotherhood, a fight, and a way of life, is whatever you make it and must continue to be for everyone, to all that had their ancestry somehow involved In the horrific transatlantic slave trade is also a form of honoring their struggle and resistance.

It’s a great way to stay in good fitness and improve mobility, flexibility, balance, and above all confidence.

Nowadays capoeira is practiced around the world by people of all backgrounds, from the favelas of Brazil to the suburbs of New York, is a form of art intrinsically linked to the resistance of the oppressed, and it is important that is made accessible and inclusive to people from all backgrounds regardless of class, gender or socio-economic status, as a tool of integration all capoeiristas have the responsibility of creating a space were all people can feel welcomed and able to benefit from this form of art.

Through my passion for Capoeira this year I undertook trips to the two most important places for the development of this Art, Angola and Brazil, and could observe that, despite being exported internationally as a niche activity, capoeira is well and alive as a tool for struggle and resistance, it is serving an essential social function in marginalized communities such as in Brazilian Favelas, which are primarily black communities, various Capoeira projects are developed to aid in the physical, emotional and cultural development of the youth and adults, I also visited various Capoeira projects in deprived neighborhoods in Angola where it also serves as a tool for guidance, discipline, pride and self-expression.

The function of capoeira as a tool of resistance remains as important today as when it was created, it’s up to the descendants of its creators to understand this and take on the mission to maintain this form of art alive and authentic.

I invite all young and adults alike to come experiment and fall in love with Capoeira.


Whilst every care will be taken to give safe instruction, by taking part in the capoeira classes you accept full responsibility and consider yourself fit to exercise. Please note it is your responsibility to inform your individual instructor of any medical condition that may affect your health whilst under their instruction, all personal health and medical information will be kept private.

Event Collection

Part of Capoeira Classes #




Event Type






6:30pm — 9:00pm


All ages, under 16s must be accompanied by an adult


Tickets: £0/5/7

Tickets no longer available