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CANCELLED - Ceòl 's Craic Ginealach Ùr (New Generation)

Sat 16 June 2018

Ceol's Craic

Following the fire last night, CCA will be closed today along with most of the surrounding area on Sauchiehall Street. Our thoughts are with our friends and neighbours at Glasgow School of Art and O2 ABC, and the incredible fire service. Refunds for this event will be processed when our box office reopens.

Presented in association with An Lòchran.

Featuring some of the biggest names in contemporary Gaelic music, Ginealach Ùr celebrates the inspirational mentors and teachers who provide encouragement and inspiration for the next generation of performers.

New Tradition: Iain ‘Costello’ MacIver and John Murray formed New Tradition 25 years ago, and the band is celebrating the anniversary with the release of its latest album ‘Hebridean Sky’. Ceòl 's Craic is delighted to welcome them to perform songs from the new release and favourites from their extensive back catalogue. Iain has been a champion of Gaelic culture and inspired many contemporary musicians through his work as a music teacher on the Isle of Lewis and through his own prolific musical output over the years.

Mischa Macpherson & Friends: Lewis-born Mischa is a multi-award-winning singer and harpist (Gaelic Singer of the Year / MG Alba Trad Music Awards and BBC Radio 2’s Young Folk Award Winner). She is also one of Iain MacIver’s successful ex-pupils. Mischa has spoken of the profound effect Iain had on her decision to forge a career in Gaelic traditional music. We are delighted to announce that Mischa will be appearing with Kathleen MacInnes, Kim Carnie, Alistair Iain Paterson and Innes White.

Pupils of the Glasgow Gaelic School: Especially for this event Ceòl ‘s Craic and An Lòchran have commissioned Mischa Macpherson to undertake a series of workshops with a group of aspiring young vocalists from Glasgow’s Gaelic School. Their performance at Ceòl ’s Craic will demonstrate the continuing growth in interest for Gaelic culture and song which is being nurtured at the Gaelic School and passed on to a NEW GENERATION. This project was made possible by the generous support provided by our partners at An Lòchran.

Doors open: 7.30pm

Air a chur air dòigh ann an co-obrachadh leis An Lòchran

A’ nochdadh cuid de na h-ainmean as motha ann an ceòl Gàidhlig co-aimsireil, tha Ginealach Ùr a’ comharrachadh nam meantoran agus nan tìdsearan a tha a' toirt misneachd 's brosnachadh dhan ath ghinealach de luchd-ciùil.

New Tradition: Chuir Iain Costello MacÌomhair agus Ian Moireach an còmhlan New Tradition ri chèile o chionn còig bliadhna air fichead ’s tha an còmhlan a’ comharrachadh a’ chinn-bliadhna aca le sgaoileadh a’ chlàir as ùire aca, “Hebridean Sky”. Tha Ceòl ‘s Craic air an dòigh fàilte mhòr a chur orra. Cluichidh iad òrain bhon chlàr ùr agus òrain as annsa leotha às a’ chatalog-ciùil mhòr aca. Bha Iain a-riamh na ghaisgeach às leth cultar na Gàidhlig, a' toirt misneachd dha cheòladairean co-aimsireil tron obair aige mar thidsear-ciùil air Eilean Leòdhas agus tron toradh-ciùil lionmhòr aige fhèin.

Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain agus Caraidean: Tha Mischa, a rugadh ann an Leòdhas, air moran dhuaisean a bhuannachadh mar sheinneadair ‘s mar chlàrsair (nam measg Seinneadair Gàidhlig na Bliadhna aig Trads MG Alba 2014 agus a' phrìomh dhuais airson an t-seinneadair folk òg aig BBC Radio 2). ‘S ise cuideachd tè de na sgoilearan as soirbheachaile a bha aig Iain MacÌomhair. Tha Mischa air bruidhinn mun bhuaidh làidir a thug Iain air a' cho-dhùnadh aice a cùrsa-obrach a leantainn ann an ceòl tradaiseanta Gàidhlig. Tha sinn air ar dòigh glan a chur an cèill gum bi Mischa a' nochdadh còmhla ri Kathleen NicAonghais, Kim Carnie, Alasdair Iain MacPhàdraig 's Innes White.

Sgoilearan bho Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu: A dh'aona-ghnothach airson an tachartais seo, tha Ceòl ‘s Craic agus An Lòchran air Mischa Nic a' Phearsain a choimiseanachadh airson sreath de bhùithtean-obrach le còmhlan sheinneadairean mòr-mheanmnach òga bho Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu a ghabhail os làimh. Tha am proiseact seo so-dhèanta leis an taic fhialaidh a fhuair sinn bho na com-pàirtichean againn anns An Lòchran.

Dorsan a’ fosgladh: 7.30f.




7:45pm, £12 (£10) + £1 booking fee, Theatre
0141 352 4900