CinemaAttic Catalan Short Films + Meditteranean Party
Fri 6 October 2017

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Cinemaattic is well known for being a platform for counter culture and independent film. Strong Short Film advocates, this retrospective into Catalan Films won’t be an exception. Even less so when, for two consecutive years, Catalan short filmmakers have returned from Cannes with awards (including a Palm d’Or) and yet a further two Catalan shorts were in the running for Academy Awards.
So aye amigos, there will be shorts. And by the way it looks we can say loudly that this is probably the finest we have managed to put together to the date. Oscar nominated Juanjo Gimenez’s Timecode, Lluís Quílez’s Graffiti, Xavier Marrades’ Cucli or the latest and darkest proposal from animation masters Anna Solanas and Marc Riba.
This event is part of Homage to Catalonia - Scotland´s Catalan Film Festival, a three-day retrospective in Catalan Cinema organised by Cinemaattic, supported by Institut Ramon Llull and Estrella Damm.
Juanjo Giménez • 2016 • 15 minutes • Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles
The story follows two parking lot security guards, Luna and Diego, who work the day shift and night shift respectively at their place of work. After Luna catches the unusual ways Diego stays busy during his shifts, they begin to communicate through the security cameras. Timecode is a romantic film but not a typical one, which was why it has gained so much attention.
Lluís Quilez • 2016 • 33 minutes • Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles
An apocalyptic world. A devastated city. One last survivor. Edgar has learned to survive on his own avoiding contaminated areas by the “incident” which destroyed life as we knew it. But Edgar’s routine is suddenly disrupted by the discovery of a wall with graffitis by his bed. Just one word reveals the presence of another survivor: “Anna”
Anna Solanas & Marc Riba • 2016 • Animation • 7 minutes • Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles
Their unique dark adult animation is taken to a next step in Cavalls Morts (Dead Horses) a very personal story of war. The harshness of war through the innocent eyes of a child. In an isolated and unknown place during a war, a child is forced to flee. Along the way, he sees horses corpses everywhere. Only dead horses. Why? Why have the horses decided to kill themselves? Get ready for another dose of brutal honest puppet animation.
Adrià Pagès • 2016 • 12 minutes • Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles
We are going to speak about mental health and we want to offer a bright side of it. Irene is a teenager who lives with her mother, Pilar, and her grandma, María, in a humble neighbourhood flat. One day, María begins to behave strangely: she seems much happier than usual, makes a lot of jokes and tells weird stories of her youth, about rock tours, excesses and groupies…
Roger Gomez and Dani Resines • 2016 • 20 minutes • Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles
A love tale between a clown about to retire and a young secretary that leaves Liverpool to become an actress in Italy. On the road, she meets a human cannonball man and decides to stay at a circus. Does it sound Fellini-ar? Roger Gomez and Dani Resines gather those untold recorded stories and adapt it with their unique vision to offer films that always leave a melancholic taste to the viewer.
Mario Torrecillas • 2017 • 10 minutes • Spanish and Catalan with English subtitles
25 Syrian and Kurdish children provisionally established in the Cherso refugee camp, Greece. Two cardboard boxes of empty refrigerators. Pencils, scissors, paper… A protected identity due to the drawings of these children. Here is an animated film, made in cardboard and heart. A story told in first person of a shameful episode of Europe, which goes on and on…
Event Collection
Part of CinemaAttic October