Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Scottish Queer International Film Festival

Closing Film: Mutt

Sat 30 September 2023

Tickets no longer available
SDH captioning

SDH captioning

BSL interpretation

BSL interpretation

Audio description available

Live captioning

Close-up of Lio Mehiel’s face with a plaster on their eyebrow.


Mutt tells the story of a young trans man named Feña reacquainting with family and friends he has not seen since before his transition.

Feña (Lío Mehiel) experiences contrasting moments of hostility and heartfelt care upon reintroduction to his father, younger sister and ex-boyfriend. The father shows signs of intimidation by his child's new masculinity, the ex-boyfriend questions his own sexuality and the younger sister naively asks questions that hit a nerve.

Mutt is the final film of our 2023 festival and will be followed by a short closing ceremony. Join us to celebrate another year of the Scottish Queer International Film Festival.

Curated by Nat Lall.

Content Warnings:

- Discussion of transphobia, mental health, dysphoria; - Depiction of sex, violence.

Accessibility Information

Tickets for most events are on a sliding scale of FREE, £2, £4, £6, £8, or £10. Choose what to pay based on your circumstances. If you can afford more, it helps us out if you pay more. This allows us to have free or cheap tickets for those who most need them and keep the festival going as well as support queer filmmakers.

Film is in English and Spanish audio and screen with English language captions for access.

All SQIFF events will have BSL-English interpretation.

All SQIFF events will have live captioning.

Induction loops are available in all event spaces.

The lights will be slightly up during all screenings and people are welcome to come and go during events as they need to.

For full access information, go to, or contact if you need any support to attend.




Event Type





7:00pm — 9:00pm


All ages


Tickets: Free, £2, £4, £6, £8, £10

Booking fee: 10%


SDH captioning

BSL interpretation

Audio description available

Live captioning

Tickets no longer available

Additional info:

Dir. Vuk Lungulov-Klotz, USA, N/C 16+, English and Spanish audio