Colin Cina
Colin Cina : Paintings and Drawings (1966 - 75)
Tue 21 October — Sat 15 November 1975

Equinox I acrylic paint on canvas, 90x90 inches, 1974/75 from Colin Cina (Catalogue) published by the Third Eye Centre, 1975
"Predominantly of a resonant plum red, it establishes the characteristic order of slender perpenidculars, diagonals and broader chevrons, whilst fundamentally dealing with multiple layers of colour. The grey-pinks, blues, and lime greens traverse the canvas, bridge and overlap each other with the final focus being upon the dominant chord, the lime green chevron"
William Varley, Colin Cina (the Third Eye Centre Catalogue), published by the Third Eye Centre, 1975
A retrospective of the work of Glasgow born painter Colin Cina, Cina's painting is characterised by geometric lines, fields of bright colour, flatness and depth exist in constant interplay in his work. Often compared to "field" painters like Frank Stella, art critic William Varley wrote (for the Third Eye Centre Catalogue) that Cina's work was characterised by a "surreal abstraction" an idea drawn out of Cina's own term "quasi-real abstraction" and noted the paintings were frequently interested not merely in formal interplay but the suggestion of space, filled with heavily abstracted "organisms", the movement of these figures within space suggesting narrative.
Born in Glasgow in 1943, Colin Cina attended Glasgow School of Art and the Central College of Arts and Crafts in London. Following this he received a Peter Stuyvesant Foundation Travel Bursary in 1966, with which he visited the USA which some would argue had an even greater influence on his artistic practice. Cina went on to teach at art schools in Wolverhampton and Manchester, going on to be Head of Chelsea College of Art and Design.
The work presented in this show was created between the years of 1966 - 1975