Dance House Glasgow Rosalind Masson: Mus Ro Faclan Ann or Before Words
Fri 12 January 2018

Rosalind Masson
Please note this event has been moved from Sat 13 Jan to Fri 12 Jan
Mus Ro Faclan Ann or Before Words is the working title for the development of a dance performance influenced by the landscape, language and culture of the Outer Hebrides, in particular Uibhist a Deas /South Uist. The root of the word choreography comes from the greek, khoreia (chorus or band of dancers) and graphein (to write). Mus Ro Faclan Ann is an attempt to write or record movement that is in dialogue with a people and place. What can a Gaelic reading of the landscape reveal that otherwise remains hidden? How can the body serve as a medium to that which cannot otherwise be expressed in words? During this residency Rosalind will be developing the visual and sonic elements of this piece in collaboration with Jer Reid and Rob Jones.
Join Rosalind for a sharing in the studio at the end of this period of development.
Event Collection
Part of DHG residency 2017