Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Eothen Stearn Evening Séance with Lady Neptune, Tarantula & R. Aggs

Thu 27 February 2020


An evening séance of Feminist philosophy, mysticism, sexuality, botany and medicine.

Eothen Stearn will perform twice during the event with special guest appearances from Moema Meade (Lady Neptune), Tarantula and improv by Rachel Aggs.

Participation and discussion is gladly welcomed. Please attend with sketches, work in progress, thoughts, autobiographical writing, stories, rocks, seeds, poems, prescriptions, dreams, confessions, reflections.


This event is a sharing of research and work made during the previous month of Eothen Stearn’s Creative Lab Residency.

If you would like to screen something or have specific technical requirements contact Eo beforehand:

The event will run 6-9pm, with performances starting at 6.15pm.

Event Collection

Part of Eothen Stearn #




6pm - 9pm, Free (unticketed), Clubroom
All ages
0141 352 4900