Havana Glasgow Film Festival
Feminist Filmmaking
Fri 17 November 2023

SDH captioning
English subtitling

BSL interpretation

Wheelchair accessible

Feminist Filmmaking
A presentation of short films made by women in Matanzas and Havana in Cuba, Villanova in Spain and in Glasgow, using low-budget collaborative filmmaking techniques across borders to amplify women’s voices.
Plus a selection of Scottish feminist films, followed by discussion.
David Archibald from the University of Glasgow and Dr Núria Araüna Baró (Universitat Rovira I Virgil, Catalunya) are working with Havana Glasgow Film Festival and with feminist activists and organisations to explore how low-budget, AV technology might be deployed in collaborative film creation to amplify women’s voices from Low and Middle Income Countries, encourage transnational experience sharing between the Global South and the Global North, and build grassroots but global networks of support and solidarity amongst feminist activists and collectives.
In 2022, we conducted a University of Glasgow-funded pilot in four cities which have local authority twinning arrangements in place: Glasgow and Havana (Cuba), and Matanzas (Cuba) and Vilanova i la Geltrú (Catalunya). The pilot was an outstanding success and we have subsequently secured additional funding from Glasgow City Council’s Lord Provost’s and Internationalisation Office, British Academy and Arts and Humanities Research Council to develop the work.