Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Free Pride Workshop: Knight Errant Press Writing

Sat 3 August 2019

Free Pride

Inspired by our queer family and aesthetics we will learn how to create a smashing haiku and a collage to illustrate it. Knight Errant Press will be running this workshop in collaboration with Free Pride 2019.
The first part of this creative writing workshop will focus on how to start writing haiku and the second part will have us put together a small collage to illustrate it.


This event is part of Free Pride: an independent and community-led LGBTQ Pride event, with three core values: radical, inclusive, and free.

Event Collection

Part of Free Pride 2019 #




2.30pm, Free (unticketed), Clubroom
All ages
0141 352 4900