Glasgow Seed Library
Gathering the Seeds
Sat 15 October 2022

Wheelchair accessible

Relaxed event

Wet processing tomato seeds, 2021. Photo credit: Rowan Lear.
What grew for you this year? It’s time to gather in the seeds!
Whether you’re a keen gardener or just getting started, drop in to a friendly seed sorting event at Rumpus Room Yard & Gardens.
Get hands-on with different kinds of seed, learn how to clean and process them, and how we can prepare them for a safe sleep over winter.
Rowan Lear, Alkmini Gkousiari and Louise King from Glasgow Seed Library will be on hand to demonstrate wet and dry seed processing, and to chat and answer your questions about seed-saving.
If you have seeds to deposit in the library, please bring them along for collective sorting and packing. Tomatoes and chillies can be brought in as ripe fruits, and pea and bean pods should be dry and crispy. Squash, courgette and cucumber fruits need to be matured into tough gourds and marrows, while other plants can be brought as whole seed heads for processing together. Please make sure your seed deposits are clearly labelled.
If you can’t make this event, there will be more chances to gather seeds this Autumn at Woodlands Community (25 September) or Kinning Park Complex (17 November).
About the Organisers
Organised by Glasgow Seed Library with Rumpus Room. Rumpus Room is an artist-led initiative dedicated to collaborative art-making and social action with children, young people and families.
Accessibility Information
The venue is outdoor, ground level with wheelchair accessible with a gender neutral, accessible toilet. The event is designed to be relaxed and informal, and we welcome children and young people, accompanied by an adult. It will take place outdoors but under cover. Please bring weatherproof and warm layers, to keep cosy. Refreshments, hot drinks and healthy snacks will be available.
Event Collection
Part of Glasgow Seed Library