Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

GIOfest XI : International Festival of Improvisation

Thu 29 November — Sat 1 December 2018

GIO pics open workshop Saturday web szmh

Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra’s eleventh international festival includes an international artist in residence programme, new CDs and three days of music, workshops and presentations.

Thursday 29 November
Day 1 concert

Friday 30 November
Sonic Bothy
Day 2 concert in collaboration with Ceol 's Craic

Saturday 1 December
GIObabies workshop
Open Workshop
Instant Places and Lori Freedman - Installation and performance
Day 3 concert

Event Collection

Part of GIOfest18 #



Festival pass: £20 (£12.50) + £1 booking fee