Glasgow Film Festival Confucian Dream
Mon 2 March 2020

Confucian Dream
Every parent wants to do what is best for their child. In China, 34 year-old Chaoyan sets her son a strictly regimented timetable of school work and chores. ‘Little lazy bear’ Chen would rather play with his toys. She also wants to raise the boy with the moral foundations found in the study of Confucian writings. Her easygoing husband Mei does not approve. A difference of opinion builds into a clash of values. Mijie Li’s sensitively observed documentary draws you into the intimate family circle for a poignant portrait of a family torn apart by the desire for very different things.
Also screening on Tue 3 Mar, 4pm
Event Collection
Part of GFF20
6.15pm-7.45pm, £11.50 (£9.30 Concessions), Cinema
15+ / F-rated
Tickets via GFF / 0141 332 6535