Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Hairy Death Spiral Martina Morger, Jing Xie, Wassili Widmer & Qiong Zhang

Thu 4 July 2019

Deat Spiral

In the so-called era of the Anthropocene, the Earth is facing various crises. Some slow changes in everyday life and the environment are imperceptible, yet deterioration continues, affecting human beings as well as other living creatures on the planet.

Concerning the emerging posthuman crises, Hairy Death Spiral is a live art event performed by Jing Xie, Martina Morger, Qiong Zhang and Wassili Widmer. The artists will produce a collective reflection on, and draw attention to, the climate change crisis through a visible and sensory situation. Through the movement of bodies and intermedia, they will call on people to live up to their responsibility to protect the environment. The event, initiated by Jing Xie, has been partly inspired by the Xie’s lived experience of developing a receding hairline since moving to Glasgow.

Produced by Jing Xie and Man Li.




7pm, Free but ticketed, Intermedia
All ages
Book Online / 0141 352 4900