Live-to-Air: E. Bry/Maruyama, McCracken, Veldman/J. Higgins
Thu 31 August 2023

Elina Bry / Image courtesy of the artist
Due to the UK-wide air traffic control issue on Monday, Jasna Veličković's piece has been rescheduled from Tuesday and added to this line-up.
Elina Bry - Les Mots* du Corps ~ *Sanat/Säryt *Words/Aches
Does the body only ache in the language the ache was felt in?
When a person speaks different languages does emotions get stored in the language the emotions were felt or are all the emotions stored within the potluck which is the body.
I reflect on how a body keeps ache in its languages rather than its body parts. We are familiar with the term muscle memory, the body keeps the score, but what happens to people who are multilingual and reflecting and experiencing life in different languages and cultures. Do they have different personas depending on the language they speak? Do they all feel different?
If I cry in Finnish does my French side hurt? If I experience joy in French does my English side feel it too? I’ve never felt a heartbreak in Finnish. Does it mean that one third of my heart is pure?
If only we knew.
*Mots : Sanat, Words
*Maux : Säryt, Aches
Elina Bry is French/Finnish, Glasgow based multidisciplinary artist. They work across video, storytelling and live performance, and is interested at listening to and re-staging the malfunctions of the human body. They are curious about the body as a sentient arena; as a responsive tool and as a protagonist of an everyday drama. By that, they investigate the known, model it and work in collaboration with the instability of their body. It is essential that they don't cause any harm as they want to challenge their body with the everyday, in order to give a stage and witness what is already there.
Marianna Maruyama, Saskia McCracken and Hessel Veldman - Wurm in Worm
A new live variation of Wurm in Worm borrowing fragments from the past and moments from the present to savor processes of decay and transformation. Finding the sensuous in unexpected places - a dentist's office, a worm's burrow - it's a stratification of artifacts and concealed histories.
Composer: Hessel Veldman
Voice and words: Marianna Maruyama from her poem “Dentists get few love letters” (2021), and other writing and Saskia McCracken from her short story “Sister;Worm” from the second edition of TOLKA; a journal of formally promiscuous non-fiction.
Jess Higgins - TOO MUCH or “feedback and voice” or “epoch! or how a problem interacts with its environment” or “sunflowers, especially” or “articulation’s joints” or “I think I’ll go to halloween as a telephone receiver” or “blowing dust” or “a frog with a frog in its throat” or “cinderella’s level of happiness” or “the unpredictable swerve of an atom” or “ what I’d like to try next” or “you could say” or “money, grass, contracts”
A piece for feedback, party horns, chewing gum, megaphone, reeds, whistles, gum guards, breath spray, straws, (possibly a walkie talkie) and voice.
Artist & writer based in Glasgow - mostly into: forms & questions of performance ~ the voice & noise ~ listening relations ~ complicities & resistances vis a vis -organisation, capital, labour.
Jasna Veličković - Velicon
Jasna is a Belgrade-born Dutch composer and performer based in Amsterdam. Her „being in love with the sound“ coupled with an enduring interest in an intricate encounter between music and technology and her strong inclination toward sound experimentation represent the key elements of her artistic development.
Her work gradually evolved into an ongoing research project dubbed „The Art of Coil“: an investigation into the musical capacities of the (electro)magnetic field, both as the source of sound and the compositional material. Her years-long explorations included animating traditional instruments with electromagnetic waves and consequently playing these instruments without touching them, the construction of a new instrument—the Velicon—an electronic system consisting of a changeable configuration of magnets and metal objects animated by coils and, quite recently, the reintroduction of the traditional instruments into the creative process.
Commissioned as part of Radiophrenia’s two week long radio broadcasts, brought to you live from their studio at CCA Glasgow. Funded through Creative Scotland’s Open Project Funding.
Event Collection
Part of Radiophrenia 2023