Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Man of Tai Chi | KeanuCon

Sun 28 April 2019

Man of Tai Chi

Man of Tai Chi (Keanu Reeves, 2013) 1hr 45m (15)

Tiger Chen is a Tai Chi student who is rather rebellious and uses Tai Chi to fight despite his master's concerns. When the temple where he studies get threatened from modern redevelopment, he fights in an underground fight club to get money the temple needs. However he soon realizes that his employer (Keanu Reeves) has other negative motives.

Keanu’s directorial debut! He plays the baddie to his real-life best pal and Matrix fight choreographer Tiger Chen in this classical martial arts morality tale.

Thanks to Filmbankmedia

Screening as part of KeanuCon

Event Collection

Part of Keanucon 2019 #




12pm, £6, Cinema
15+ / F-rated
Boom Online / 0141 352 4900