Third Eye Bar opening hours: Tue-Thu: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon - midnight

Playwrights' Studio Scotland Stage to Page

Mon 27 May 2019

Stage to Page

Exciting monthly opportunity for playwrights at any stage in their career to workshop scenes to further develop their play and to network with other theatre practitioners. Playwrights are invited to submit 5-10 minute scenes - plus a one paragraph synopsis with casting breakdown (age/gender of each character) - which will be matched to directors and actors and worked on in small groups before being performed at the end of the evening.

Emails should be sent to by the Monday before the workshop. The facilitator will select a maximum of four scenes to be worked on and will allocate actors and directors to each scene on the night. The scenes will then be worked on. After a short refreshment break with an opportunity for informal networking, each scene will then be performed for the audience.

Visit for submission guidelines. Or come along on the night to join in or just observe the process from page to stage!




6pm, £3 on the door, Theatre
14+ accompanied by an adult
0141 352 4900