Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Queer Classics & Matchbox Cineclub Seahorse

Mon 16 September 2019


This is the story of a dad who gave birth.

Seahorse is an intimate documentary following Freddy McConnell's journey as a pregnant trans man, from Jeanie Finlay (director of Game of Thrones: The Last Watch, Orion: The Man Who Would Be King and The Great Hip Hop Hoax).

After years of soul-searching Freddy decides to carry his own child, but he faces both the difficulties of pregnancy and of challenging society's fundamental understanding of gender, parenthood and family. Made over three years, from preparing to conceive right through to birth this documentary offers a touching and honest look at pregnancy, birth and what makes us who we are.

Director Jeanie Finlay will join us for a post-screening Q&A to discuss the film.

Matchbox Cineclub’s latest co-screening launches Queer Classics’ ‘Queering the Family’ series. This event is priced according to a sliding scale. Find out what you should pay.




7pm, £0/£2/£4/£6/£8 via Matchbox Cineclub, Theatre
15+ / F-rated
Book online