Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Slow Food Glasgow & Slow Food Youth Network Scotland Rituals around bread, beer and pasta

Wed 22 January 2020

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Join Slow Food for a fun and informative evening of tasting and discovery of the stories that make food staples around the world so intriguing.

Can you imagine the beer that Egyptians used to drink and why it's so different from the one we drink today? Ever wondered how your favourite types of bread have developed from the time of ancient cultures to the present day?

Come along to a night of fun and flavour and immerse yourself in delicious and forgotten recipes. Exploring the treasure troves of bygone writings and archaeological discoveries, we’ll unlock the ancient secrets of beer, whisky, bread, pasta and pizza. Discover who was in charge of their production, where they were made and the other kinds of food that shared space with bread in bakers' ovens.

After the talk, we’ll serve a tasting menu, shaping grains into some of the most delicious and interesting dishes they can create. Freshly-baked ancient Roman pizza with a modern twist, homemade pasta and farmhouse beers will be the stars of the evening.


Please note, this event will take place at Eusebi Restaurant & Deli, 152 Park Road, Glasgow G4 9HB. Eusebi is one of Glasgow’s most authentic, family-run, multi-award winning Italian restaurants offering genuine, quality and seasonal produce.




6pm - 8.30pm, Eusebi Restaurant & Deli
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900