Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Sonica 2019 Post-Truth and Beauty

Thu 31 October — Sun 10 November 2019

Post Truth and Beauty by Tim Murray Brow

How do our interactions with one another and the world around us shape who we are?

Artist and creative technologist Tim Murray-Browne has collaborated with multimedia artist Aphra Shemza to create an interactive audiovisual sculpture which invites viewers to consider (literal) perspectives other than their own, as they move through a space in which visual and musical elements are fragmented. Only by considering the work from many angles can viewers understand the whole effect. With debate online and in real life becoming ever more polarised, Post-Truth and Beauty reminds us of the dangers of retreating into silos and disregarding other points of view.


Presented as part of Sonica Glasgow 2019.

Commissioned for The Engine Room at Morley Gallery by Morley College London.

Event Collection

Part of Sonica 2019 #




Mon - Sat, 11am - 6pm / Sun 3 Nov, 12noon-6pm
Sun 10 Nov, 12noon-3pm
Free (unticketed), Intermedia / All ages
0141 352 4900