SQIFF18 Pink Excavation
Sat 8 December 2018

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Pink Excavation is Natasha Lall's first feature length film. With Lall as the narrator and cameos from local queers Mina Baird and Junie Latte, this DIY film explores the preservation of queer histories in Glasgow, 2518. Pink Excavation sees Lall excavate 90s-00s technological relics that are outdated in the 2500s and become frustrated at their lack of understanding on how to access information from these ancient technologies. Upon interactions with an archaeologist and a ghost Lall discusses whether or not the poor archiving of LGBT culture has a positive impact on the queer community. The film is a lo-fi, sci-fi contemplation on the pros and cons of queer visibility.
Screening with short Reality Fragment (14 mins) by Qigemu, which examines how multiple lived worlds, each their own mix of memories, sensations, and thoughts, coexist with de facto presentations of distance, history, and totality.
Films in the English language with English language subtitles/captions. Hearing loop available.
Films rely to a large extent on visual material to convey ideas, so are less accessible for blind and partially sighted audiences. Large print versions of handouts available.
Comfy seating (bean bags) available. If you would like to reserve this, please contact access@sqiff.org.
We have a limited travel fund to assist people to come to the Festival for those who could not otherwise afford to attend. If you would like to apply for this, please contact access@sqiff.org.
Event Collection
Part of SQIFF18