Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Ceòl is Craic

Tùsanachd! / Indigenous

Sat 23 September 2023

Tickets no longer available
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

A lone figure carrying an accordion is walking into the distance on a sunny Hebridean beach.

Of The Land

Tùsanaich! / Indigenous! explores the deep-rooted connections to land and environment felt by the indigenous Gaelic population of the Highlands and Islands.

The performance will highlight the real impact of global issues on individuals and rural communities and their responses to the multiple threats of decolonisation and climate crisis.

Musical director Pàdruig Morrison will assemble a stellar cast of Gaelic musical talent to present a programme of traditional and original compositions reflecting the effects of environmental issues on both a global and local level.

Tha Tùsanaich! a’ rannsachadh nan ceanglaichean a tha freumhaichte ann am fearann agus àrainneachd agus a tha cho buntainneach do shluagh thùsail Gàidhlig na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean.

Togaidh an gnìomhadh air an fhìor bhuaidh a tha aig cùisean cruinneil air daoine fa leth agus air coimhearsnachdan dùthchail, agus am freagairtean do dh’ioma-bhagairtean di-cholonachaidh agus cùis-èiginn gnàth-shìde.

Bheir an stiùiriche ciùil, Pàdraig Moireasdan, buidheann iongantach còmhla de thàlant ciùil Ghàidhlig gus prògram de phìosan ciùil traidiseanta is tùsail a thaisbeanadh, a tha a’ nochdadh buaidh chùisean àrainneachdail aig ìrean ionadail is cruinneil.




Event Type






8:30pm — 10:30pm

Doors open: 8:00pm




Tickets: £14
Concession: £10 / £5 Students


Wheelchair accessible

Tickets no longer available