Third Eye Bar opening hours: Tue-Thu: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon - midnight

The Better Sex Workshop Series with Ruth Eliot The Sexual Script

Sun 1 December 2019

The Sexual Script

Do you enjoy the sex you choose to have? Does the sex you have live up to the reasons you're having it? Do you ever feel like you're following a sexual script?

This workshop is for you:

if you have ever had sex that felt underwhelming, boring, performative, routine, disappointing, painful or fake.
if you have ever felt performance-anxiety, self-consciousness, body-consciousness, shame, disgust, awkwardness, embarrassment or overwhelm in a sexual scenario.
if you’ve ever felt the weight of your own or another's expectations in a sexual scenario.
if you’re interested in exploring why we have sex, and how successfully the sex we have lives up to the reasons we’re having it.
if you’re queer and feel that the sex education you received didn’t prepare you for the reality and complexity of your emotional, psychological and physical sexual life.
if you’re not queer and feel that the sex education you received didn’t prepare you for the reality and complexity of your emotional, psychological and physical sexual life.
if you have any opinions whatsoever about pornography, or equally if you have no opinions at all about pornography.
if you’ve ever acted like you’re enjoying sex more than you are actually enjoying it (faking orgasms / exaggerating sexy noises etc) and want to unpack some stuff about the performance of pleasure.

Come and join this inclusive, sex-positive and non-judgemental workshop to reflect upon, discuss and challenge the sexual norms of our society. All welcome to this fun, interactive and trauma- informed space, facilitated by an experienced sex and relationships educator.


Type 4 tickets cost £40. They are suitable for those who have plentiful resources to pay rent and buy necessities or who own property or who fully or partially live off unearned (gifted / inherited ) resources or who earn enough money from a secure job to enjoy a hefty disposable income or who might spend £30+ at the pub/on a meal out without having to thrift elsewhere.

Type 3 cost £30 per workshop. They are suitable for those who comfortably have enough resources to pay rent and buy necessities or who partially live / have lived off unearned (inherited /gifted) resources or who has a job / the education, skills, experience or networks to be likely to get a job if currently not working or who cannot live lavishly but would not feel the pinch elsewhere if they spent £30 on this workshop.

Type 2 tickets cost £20 per workshop. They are suitable for those who are students with the standard maintenance loan or who can afford to pay rent and buy necessities but have to be mindful elsewhere or who work in the third sector on less than ~£23k or who volunteer or work in the sexual violence / gender-based violence / mental health / womens' / LGBTQ+ / relationships and sex education sectors or who might go out for coffee or a pint once a week or more without having to thrift elsewhere.

Type 1 tickets cost £10 per workshop. They are suitable for those who do not have much disposable income but would not have to scrounge elsewhere to buy £10 ticket or whose gender identity/expression, ability, class and ethnic identity has negatively affected their income or who do not and have never lived off unearned (gifted / inherited) resources or who on a zero-hours contract or who would consider a meal out or similar expenditure a treat.

Scholarship tickets are free. They are suitable for people who cannot comfortably afford any of the other ticket options. Scholarship places are intended for those who are unwaged (unemployed / on benefits / unpaid carers / not entitled to work in the UK) or whose mental or physical health make a steady income difficult / impossible or who experience difficulty paying for rent and necessities or who have significant debt or who don't have access to resources from family or who could not comfortably afford spending £10 on meal out / at the pub.




12noon-4pm, £40/£30/£20/£10 + £1 booking fee/Free, Clubroom / 18+
Book online / 0141 352 4900