The Curator's Workshop
Thu 6 June 2019

Shadow Curator web en3s
The third instalment of The Curator's Workshop will examine the position of the Shadow Curator in relation to dialogue, geographical isolation and critical support in curatorial practice. The concept of a Shadow Curator evolved through Nuno Sacramento’s PhD in curatorial practice at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, titled ‘Shadow Curating: A Critical Portfolio’ (2006). He currently works as Director of Peacock Visual Arts in Aberdeen.
A selected chapter from ‘ARTocracy: Art, Informal Space, and Social Consequence’ by Nuno Sacramento and Claudia Zeiske will act as a platform to examine the possibilities and limitations within this position. Text available here.
Supported by freelance curators, Naoko Mabon and Rachel Grant. They are currently in the position of Shadow Curators at Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen for the Peacock Associates Curatorial Fellowship, an educational platform for artists and curators working in the North East region of Scotland.
The Curator’s Workshop is a monthly discussion group opened to curators, artists, writers, researchers, students and other arts professionals as well as amateurs interested in a critical reflection around curatorial practices (exhibitions, displays, discursive and performative forms, public engagement…) and related theory. The Curator’s Workshop aims to be a platform open to different perspectives of research and invites a guest each month to share material and reflections in order to foster new discussions.