Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

The Journal of Unconditional Being Publication Launch and Defence for Children Greece Fundraiser

Mon 4 November 2019

Journalofunconditionalbeing 7w2y

Join us at CCA for music from Aref Ghorbani, drinks, readings and conversation to celebrate the launch of The Journal of Unconditional Being.

Unconditional Being is a collaboration between artists Pinar Aksu, Mousa AlNana, Razan Madhoon, Paria Goodarzi, Aref Ghorbani, Iman Tajik and Najma Abukar designed by OOMK Collective. The publication is the result of a workshop and conversation between the artists at CCA exploring language, identity, borders and censorship as part of the refugee and asylum experience in Scotland. The publication was Risograph printed and assembled collectively on-site with assistance from Tender Hands Press, as part of Refugee Festival Scotland.

The journal will be on sale at £5 with all proceeds going towards Defence for Children Greece:

OOMK (One of My Kind) is a collaborative publishing practice led by Sofia Niazi, Rose Nordin and Heiba Lamara who make, publish and distribute books and printed works which arise from self-initiated projects.




6pm, Free (unticketed), Clubroom / All ages
0141 352 4900