Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

CoMA Glasgow/Drake Music Scotland

Touch/Screen - iPad Composition Workshop with Clare Johnston

Tue 18 April 2023

Tickets no longer available
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

Clare Johnston in a wheelchair composing on an iPad, in front of a chainlink fence & blue gas container behind them.

Image courtesy of Clare Johnston

This workshop will look at the iPad as an instrument, with a focus on the potential to be an inclusive instrument. Clare will talk about the background theory of accessible music-making and a practical workshop will introduce you to the iPad app Thumbjam and allow you time to explore the creative capabilities of the instrument in a group improvisation.

As a group, we will then play one of Clare’s compositions, written in a combination of conventional notation and graphic score (you don’t need experience of reading either) to create a unique performance. Equally suitable for both experienced and novice musicians.

In person at CCA, or online.

*Participants are asked to provide their own iPad with the Thumbjam app downloaded - but if attending in person we will have a number of iPads available for use. Please indicate this when booking.

Supported by CoMA, Drake Music Scotland, Arts Council England and Foyle Foundation.




Event Type





7:00pm — 9:00pm

Doors open: 6:45pm




Tickets: £10 in person (or free with bursary), FREE online via Zoom

£5 in person (or free with bursary), FREE online via Zoom


Wheelchair accessible

Tickets no longer available