Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

UNFIX Festival Friday

Fri 29 March 2019

Vero Moto Seidrkona WEB 73a1

6pm - Embedded Artist | Christiana Bissett (18+ / roving performance)

As Embedded Artist supported by ecoartscotland, Christiana will participate in UNFIX festival and present a series of reflections and provocations on the political nature of measurement in the time of environmental crisis. Video works will be made available on the ecoartscotland blog throughout the festival.

6:35pm - Plastic Man / Yulia Kovanova (18+ / Cinema)

Breaking from daily reality, a man transforms into Plastic Man - armed with chemicals, ready to set landscape on fire. Is he the destroyer of Nature, or the voice of its resilience? Plastic Man premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival 2017 and was subsequently nominated for BAFTA Scotland and UK Best Short Film by the Open City Documentary Festival.

7pm - Seidrkona: Electro-Acoustic Shamanic Death Ritual / Verónica Mota (18+ / Creative Lab)

Seidrkona is an electro-acoustic Shamanic Death Ritual which embraces the power of life and death from our mother nature. This experience is a human call for chance and evolution in a destructive and powerful moment in human history: post-capitalism, new technologies and mass surveillance.

The Mayans believed 2012 was the change of an era which can end wrong but also right depending on our awakening. Seidrkona is the female Shaman fighting for a better future & the protection of all beings in nature. This performance will contain loud noises.

7:10pm - PENUMBRA | Kerieva McCormick (14+ / Clubroom)

PENUMBRA is the first of a suite of four films directed/choreographed by Kerieva McCormick working with videographer Kim Beveridge. Focussing on catharsis and the return to the primordial, the film is a homage to the dancing body and will have its premiere showing at UNFIX. Following the screening there will be a short Q&A with Kerieva where she will expand on the themes and cinematic influences in her work.

7:30pm - Hell Is Empty / Ruaridh Law (18+ / Cinema)

Hell is Empty is a political audiovisual meditation on the rise of alt-right news in the Trump & Brexit era: a live feed of alt-right websites will be turned into sound, degraded and elevated into art in real time.

8pm - A Conversation at the End of the World / The Dark Mountain Project (18+ / Clubroom)

The Dark Mountain Project invites you to take part in a conversation about what happens when we stop pretending everything is fine and start to question the stories we live by. When everything is unravelling, what are the stories that still have meaning and value? What matters to us, in our own lives, and what truths might we share if we knew the world was ending?

8pm - Seidrkona: Electro-Acoustic Shamanic Death Ritual / Verónica Mota (18+ / Creative Lab)

Seidrkona is an electro-acoustic Shamanic Death Ritual which embraces the power of life and death from our mother nature. This experience is a human call for chance and evolution in a destructive and powerful moment in human history: post-capitalism, new technologies and mass surveillance.

The Mayans believed 2012 was the change of an era which can end wrong but also right depending on our awakening. Seidrkona is the female Shaman fighting for a better future & the protection of all beings in nature. This performance will contain loud noises.

9pm - Sines of Life / VID (18+ / Theatre)

An immersive performance where sound, movement, installation and projection merge with cutting edge research in the field of regenerative medicine to explore the healing properties of art and the self-regenerative capabilities of the human body.


Tickets for UNFIX festival are on a sliding scale and you can choose what to pay based on your circumstances. An allocation of FREE tickets have also been reserved for those who face financial barriers to attendance. For more info on our programme and sliding scale ticketing policy visit:

Day Passes:
Friday - £9/£7/£4 + £1 booking fee
Saturday - £14/£11/£6 + £1 booking fee
Sunday - £14/£11/£6 + £1 booking fee

3 Day Festival Pass: £32/£25/£14 + £1 booking fee

Event Collection

Part of UNFIX 2019 #




Friday Day pass - £9/£7/£4 + £1 booking fee