Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Write to your Elders

Sun 24 November 2019


We are inviting young people to join us for a session of writing letters to grandparents, elders and older relatives, expressing your voting intention in the upcoming general election, expressing the urgency of the social and environmental crisis we face.

We particularly invite 16-18 year olds, who don’t have the vote, to come and give voice to your concerns for the future.

Polling shows that a generational divide between young people and old people exists in the UK, with older people more likely to turn out to vote, to vote for right wing parties, while the wishes of young people are conveniently ignored by those in power.

We recognize that lots of young people will want to have difficult conversations with elders, but it isn’t easy to go about this. Here is a way to start the conversation and work on this together.

We will provide writing and reading materials, snacks and hot drinks, and give you the space to write your own letter in your own way.

This event is aimed at 16-25 year olds but all ages are welcome to come and write letters.

Together we can change and challenge the status quo.





12pm - 5pm, Free (unticketed), Clubroom
All ages
0141 352 4900